Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wonders 6 -Sharp Edge

Why are teeth called "shinayim " ?
- one reason is because they come as a set of two ( shnayim ) as they function together. They serve to remind us that throughout life we should strive to work with teams. Two are better than one ( koheles ).
Marriage , our Sages teach , is actually two parts of One person functioning together.
- Another insight is that every person gets two sets of teeth , 20 baby teeth & then 32 for the rest of life. Why does Hashem make it this way ?
Furthermore , even the baby teeth do not begin to emerge until later when a baby begins to switch fron nursing to eating. Obviously , Hashem designs the initial mouth for sucking , not chewing.
One of the reasons only the mouth has a change of teeth is to teach us that throughout our lives we must remember to always gaurd our mouths & tongues.
- another reason is that the teeth cut the food into two.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.