Friday, June 15, 2007

Step 91 - Is it true ?

Can I really learn how to learn a daf ( two sides of a pg ) of the Talmud ?
If I tried can I learn to be fluent in a Daf Gemara ?
See Megila 6b - If you toil in Torah Study , you will achieve !
On the path one is eager to go ...
The word Rotzeh is used for "desire " & "determination". Similarly we learn - Run to do even an easy Mitzva , the word for run is also rotz. (Avos 4:2).
Running indicates desire & eagerness. Why is it essential to run to perform Mitzvos ?
Ruach Chaim explains that to run is a mitzva in itself of showing that you appreciate the opportunity. As a reward for that Hashem will enable you to perform the actual mitzva as well.
The same applies to fleeing from a possible situation that might lead to a sin.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.