Friday, March 27, 2009

Daf 91- Quiz

Q. If someone scared a person causing them to become ill but did not touch them , what is the penalty ?

A. The Heavenly court will hold them accountable until they offer to pay.

Q. Does it matter if there does not seem to be a murder weapon ?

A. Yes. The claim has to be plausible.

Q. When is there a Mitzva obligation to tear ones clothing a certain amount ?

A. By the laws of mourning.
Q. What if he does extra ?

A. He may transgress - Don't waste.


Q. What do we call someone who deprives himself unnecessarily ?

A. A sinner who needs atonement.


Q. What is the penalty for one who stole someone else s Mitzva opportunity ?

A. To pay 10 gold coins.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.