Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Daf 89 - Quiz

Q. What are nichsei milug ?

A. Property that a woman owned before marriage & now her husband has the rights to pluck the fruits & use them.

Q. Which properties are called iron sheep ?

A. He guaranteed their value to her.

Q. If a husband & wife lost their Kesuba document how many hours can they wait before replacing it ?

A. Not even 1.
Q. If a wife sold her Kesuba rights , does she lose the other conditions that come along with the package ?

A. No


Q. How many other stipulations are there ?

A. 6. Rambam Ishus c. 12.

Q. How many obligations does a man have to his wife & how many benefits does he receive ?

A. 10 obligations & 4 benefits. See Rambam
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.