Friday, May 11, 2007

Step 39- Praying Ahead

Yes. A person should pray ahead to get a parking space if that's what you need & want.
If you want to win something at an event , that also requires prayer.
It is essential in life to think & pray for the next few hours of your day in advance. That is why we pray 3 regular prayers daily - Mincha should cover for us until Maariv etc.
The Torah teaches how before Yaakov Avinu made a move he sent Yehuda ahead to set things up & make arrangements. Prayers were also included , in fact they were the main preparation to " fix things up " in advance.
As we prepare for shabos we should also be asking Hashem to help us have a pleasant day in every way , including healthwise , emotional , spiritual & growth in Torah study.
On the path one is eager to go ...
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.