Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Words that Lead - 50

There is a most fundamental verse In Tehilim - Hashem is informing us - Open your mouth wide & I will fill it up !

What would you like to achieve ?

Hashem can help you succeed.
What makes you really come alive ?
Hashem is eager to lead you to where you want to go , but He wants you to ask Him for help.

You can choose limitations or to break free from them with Hashems help.
If you need a job , realize there is an employer who is looking for someone with your unique skills , ask Hashem to help you connect.
If you are searching for just the right Shiduch , yes , there is someone looking for you , but you need to ask Hashem to be the Shadchan.
It is amazing how Hashem makes incredible connections , but it all starts with our Words to Him.

What do you want most now ?

Don't make the mistake of using the Word - but -
Hashem can do it & He is eager to help you - that is final. Period.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.