Monday, August 24, 2009

Daf 4. Taste of Daf Quiz

Q. If someone cursed a Jew what is the punishment ?

A. For a regular Jew - once Malkus.
For a Judge - twice
Nosi. - three times.

Q. Is a person allowed to give good advice to a wicked person ?

A. No.
Q. What are 2 metaphors which describe the Beis Hamigdosh ?

A. The light of the world & the Eye of the world.
Q. What was unique about the building that Hurdos built ?

A. It resembled the waves of the ocean.

Q. If someone put up a fence all around a persons field , how much do they need to chip in ?

A. R. Huna - half of all the expenses.
Chiya - half of a cheap fence.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.