Thursday, June 25, 2009

Daf 63- Taste of Daf Quiz

Q. How many lessons does Rava derive from R. Oshayas teaching ?

A. 3.
Q. What are they ?

A. - you are allowed to change a debt & give produce instead.
- but only if its in stock
- he holds like R. Yanai that you can even make up to get paid back with money.
Q. Is a one - side possibility that may turn into Ribis permissible ?

A. - No.
- R. Yehuda - yes.

Q. What should one wait for before making deals ?

A. For the market price to be established.
Q. Why does that make a difference ?

A. Because he could have bought it elsewhere for that price.

Q. Which town was near Hini & near Pumbedisa ?

A. Shili.
Q. What is the Rule of Ribis ?

A. All forms of payment for waiting for money.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.