Monday, June 1, 2009

Daf 38 - Quiz

Q. What should a Shomer do if he sees the produce he is watching is getting spoiled ?

A. There is a dispute :
- Do not sell.
- Rabon Shimon b. G. - sell with Beis Din to save it.

Q. If a person could choose between one measure of his own produce or much more from others which is preferred ?

A. His own.

Q. What is a Tamchu ?

A. Food that was collected for daily distribution.
Q. What is netushim & retushim ?

A. The N is when he had no choice he was captured , the R is when one ran away on his own.
Q. Which Sage said , don't push an elephant through the eye of a needle ?
A. Rav Sheishes.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.