Monday, May 25, 2009

Daf 31 - Quiz

Q. Can there ever be a case of returning a lost find by a field ?

A. Yes. If a flood is heading towards ones field & he has a way of blocking it.
Q. What if an animal is ruining ones field ?
A. The same Mitzva applies if he can stop it.
Q. If someones animal escaped & you return it , is that sufficent or do you need to inform the owner ?
A. You do not have to inform him.
Q. How many times is a person required to try to teach others the right way ?
A. Even 100 times.

Q. What if you have a relative who needs charity , one who lives in your building who needs , in your city & in a different city , who should you help first ?

A. Rambam lists these 4 levels & says we have to follow this list of priorities.
Q. Why is it that sometimes some opinions seem to say that the Torah is merely speaking the way people speak ?
A. The third Tosfos on 31b explains that it is only in unique cases where it is obvious from the verses.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.