Thursday, May 14, 2009

Daf 21- Quiz

Q. If someone finds an item that he may not keep , what is the first obligation to focus on ?

A. To anounce it.

Q. What are the 3 categories of examples the Mishna gives us in the list of 10 types of finds that one may keep ?

A. Food , clothing & money.
Q. What if each item by itself you would be allowed to keep such as a loaf of bread & coins , but now you find them combined , the coins were in the bread ?

A. You are obligated to anounce it.

Q. If it looks like the item had been left in a certain place a certain way , what should you do ?

A. One may not even touch it because the owner may be planning to come & retrieve it.
Q. What is meant by Yiush shelo midaas ?
A. He will give up on it later but he is not yet aware of his loss.
Q. So what should we do ?

A. Abayei - one may not keep it.
Rava - it is permissible.
We follow Abayei in this Halacha.
Q. How often does an average person check on his wallet ?
A. Regularly , every once in a while.

Q. How many official Mitzvos are there in Parshas Behar & Bechukosai ?

A. 24 in Behar , 12 in Bechukosai.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.