Monday, March 2, 2009

Daf 66 - Quiz

Q. What is the law if someone stole some raw materials & he processed them ?

A. He has to return the original cash value.


Q. What if the name of the item has changed , is that sufficent ?

A. No. The last Tosfos on 66b explains that a name change alone is insufficent without either yiush or a physical change.

Q. What would indicate Yiush ?

A. If the owner said - woe to me , its gone for good. Rashi B. M. 21b


Q. How many years was Raboh the Rosh Hayeshiva ?

A. 22

Q. How did Hashem promote Rav Yosef to prominence when he took over ?

A. Hashem helped him resolve a question that was unresolved for 22 yrs.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.