Sunday, September 2, 2007

Mitzva Count - Haazinu / Zos Habracha

There are no specific Mitzvos , in general
- We have the fourth of the 10 Songs of history, which Moshe Rabeinu taught the last day of his life.
- We must keep the Torah ... It is like Rain.
- We must appreciate & praise Hashem
- His ways are just.
- We have freewill to choose to serve Hashem
- Remember all of Hashems kindnesses to you.
- Hashem has a system of rewards & punishments

Zos Habracha

* Moshe blesses all the Jews
* He praises them.
* He praises Hashem.
* he passes away on Har Nevo by a kiss of death from Hashem.
* Moshe Rabeinu was the greatest prophet in History
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.