Friday, May 25, 2007

Step 59 -anticipate the Future

We find two specific sources where our Sages instruct us in this system for success :

Who is wise ?

One who looks ahead.
Tamid 32b

What is the best path for success in life ?
One of 5 sages pinpoints this method of seeing that which may develop as the key to all forms of success.
Avos 2:13.
The ultimate preparation is for the greatest of all futures - the World to Come.
But there are other significant levels such as

- preparing for retirement
- for next year
- for the next 10 minutes
- for even 5 minutes.
It takes training & practice & as one does his part Hashem helps him progress.
One of the lessons that is linked to this is to learn that in many areas of life , PERSISTENCE pays off. To set goals & not to give up praying for them until you achieve it with Hashems help.
This lessons can be continuously be reinforced through looking ahead & seeing how things develop.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.