Monday, April 23, 2007

Respect Parents & Shabos

Why does the Torah equate the Mitzva to revere ones parents together with the Mitzva to observe Shabat in the same verse (19:3)?
Thus as it is incumbent on us to gaurd the shabos because it is the day for celebrating Hashem s creating the world , so too we revere our parents who were empowered by Hashem to serve as partners in bringing us to life.
Just as if Hashem would have decided not to do creation we would have been in trouble , so too if our parents had chosen not to be there for us , G-d forbid.
We must therefore express our thanks , love & reverence to them on a regular basis. !!
[ This message may be useful for mothers / fathers day or similar occasions ].
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.